Report date:

2020-01-30 12:18:32


Plagiat et wikipedia


Ronald Stuck


Greg Lion

Organizational unit:


File upload date:

2020-01-30 12:17:08

Addresses entered by the user to be ignored during analysis

Skipped url addresses:


Record of similarities
Please note that high coefficient values do not automatically mean plagiarism. The report must be analyzed by an authorized person.
% of words found in the 5-word phrases without LAD (Legal Acts Database)
% of words found in the context of 8-word phrases without (Legal Acts Database)
% of words which are between quotation marks

The phrase length for the SC 2


Length in words


Length in characters

In this section, you can find information regarding text modifications that may aim at temper with the analysis results. Invisible to the person evaluating the content of the document on a printout or in a file, they influence the phrases compared during text analysis (by causing intended misspellings) to conceal borrowings as well as to falsify values ​​in the Similarity Report. It should be assessed whether the modifications are intentional or not.
  • Characters from another alphabet 27 show in the text

    number of characters from other alphabets which may imitate letters from the alphabet relevant to the document, causing misspellings in the text, please verify their validity

  • Spreads 19 show in the text

    number of increased distances between letters - please verify whether they imitate spaces, causing words joining in the Report

  • Micro spaces 12 show in the text

    number of spaces with zero length - please verify whether they are placed inside words and cause word division in the text

  • White characters 55 show in the text

    number of characters with a white font color - please verify whether they are used instead of spaces, caussing word joining (in the Report the color of the letters is changed to black in order to show them)

Active lists of similarities
Scroll the list and analyze especially the fragments that exceed the SC 2 (marked in bold). Use the link "Mark fragment" and see if they are short phrases scattered in the document (coincidental similarities), numerous short phrases near each other (mosaic plagiarism) or extensive fragments without indicating the source (direct plagiarism).
Verified content - similarities are marked in the text below according to source:
Please take note of the fact that the system does not give a verdict. If any suspicions arise, the Similarity Report should be subjected to a thorough analysis.
  • - Institutional Databases
  • - Internet Sources
  • - RefBooks Database
  • - Citations
  • ß - Characters from another alphabet
  • A - Spreads
  • · - Micro spaces
  • A - White characters
1 Lе cоpуright, sоuvеnt indiqué
Number of identical words : 139
pаr lе sуmbоlе ©, еst,
Number of identical words : 139
dаns lеs
Number of identical words : 139
pауs dе cоmmоn
Number of identical words : 139
lаw, l’еnsеmblе dеs
Number of identical words : 139
prérоgаtivеs еxclusivеs dоnt
Number of identical words : 139
dispse unе pеrsоnnе phуsique оu
Number of identical words : 139
mоrеlе sur unе
Number of identical words : 139
śuvrе dе l’еsprit originale Il désigne donc un ensemble de lois en application notamment dans les pays du Common·wealth et aux États-U·nis ; et qui diff·ère du droit d'auteur app·liqué dans les pays de droit civil (tels que la Fra·nce ou la Belg·ique)
Number of identical words : 139
·me si le te·rme est us·ité dans le lang·age cour·ant 1.
Bien канque les deux канcorpus de lois канtendent à se rejoindre sur la канforme grâce à l'harmonisation канinternationale opérée par la канconvention de Berne2, ils канdiffèrent notablement канsur le fond3. Le канcopyright relève канplus d’une канlogique économique et accordeкан un droit moral restreint, канlà où le droit d'auteur канassure un канdroit moral fort en s'appuyant канsur le lien entreкан l'auteur et son
Number of identical words : 139
Le concept de fair use aux États-Unis et celui d'utilisation équitable dans les autres pays de common law constituent des exceptions plus larges que celles qui sont appliquées dans les pays de droit civil. Alors que les exceptions au droit d'auteur sont limitativement énumérées dans la loi, et sont d'interprétation stricte, le fair use donne aux tribunaux le pouvoir d'apprécier au cas par cas si l'usage d'une
Number of identical words : 87
śuvre est loyal. Cette appréciation se fait en fonction du caractère commercial ou désintéressé de l'usage, de la nature de
Number of identical words : 87
l'śuvre, 1 de l'ampleur de la reproduction effectuée, et de ses conséquences sur la valeur de
Number of identical words : 15
Title : Le plagiat en science
Author(s) : John
Database: (Test)
l'śuvre 12,13.
Number of identical words : 15
Title : Le plagiat en science
Author(s) : John
Database: (Test)

1 Course Management Systems (CMSs) that are extensively used for supporting blended learning.
Number of identical words : 12
Source : Evaluating a learning management system for blended learning in Greek higher education
The main tools that all LMSs provide are:
- Asynchronous and synchronous communication
- Content development
- Formative and.summative assessment
The asynchronous.and synchronous communication.may involve announcement areas, e-mail, chat, forums etc. The content development and delivery may involve learning resources, learning objects, files, links to internet resources, etc. Finally, the formative and summative assessment mainly involves tools for self-evaluation, multiple choice questions etc.
Number of identical words : 67
Source : Evaluating a learning management system for blended learning in Greek higher education

Characters from another alphabet Spreads Micro spaces White characters