Our system searches for similarities among millions of documents posted in open sources. The system recognizes more than 200 languages and has access to billions of online resources.
The database available to StrikePlagiarism.com embraces documents collected since 2002. StrikePlagiarism.com has an extensive database of documents written in many languages, including English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Romanian, Arabic, Chinese, Georgian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Italian, French, Dutch, Sweden and so on. The internal database and personal data are protected in accordance with the GDPR, the server of our company is located in the EU.
The RefBooks is Plagiat.pl's scientific database containing millions of PhD theses, publications, student papers, scientific journals and other types of documents in over 30 languages, including English, French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Dutch, Turkish, Arabic, Ukrainian and etc. This database includes documents published also in Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, EBSCO etc. The database is used by universities, publishers and other institutions for plagiarism analysis.
Our Domestic Search Module (DSM) can be installed on the server of the university, which allows you to search for similarities within your database. This is done in a simple way. Our system sends to the Module the text that your user has uploaded on his account in our system. The module searches for similarities and sends metadata back to the system for the fragment that was found in the university database. This metadata is reflected in your user's similarity report, the source is your database. The module can send us only the metadata that the university has entered into its database. This service became very popular due to GDPR and copyright restrictions. Read more.
Our system is based on SaaS. StrikePlagiarism.com is integrated with a Moodle via plugins. Our Moodle plugin allows not only to check assignments but also quizzes. The Moodle plugin has the ability to create group submissions and cross-checking with the assignment. Click here to open Moodle directory.
StrikePlagiarism.com is also integrated with Canvas and Brightspace via LTI 1.3. The integration has many great functions. Our LTI is also compatible with SpeedGrader.
Apart from that, the system has a REST API that allows various forms of integrations with both any third party systems like a Deanery System and the LMS. The API not only sending documents and receiving reports, but also let you manage accounts.
API manual is available here.
Read more.
System recognizes manipulations with text fragments in the form of:
- changing the order of words,
- adding or removing words,
- replacing words with synonyms,
- being translated,
As a result, the system will underline the “changed” fragments and highlight these fragments.
This function serves the purpose of clarifying whether a fragment was accurately paraphrased, or even if there was an attempt to bypass the system and intentionally hide the copied fragment.
The translation plagiarism search algorithm allows you to find similarities in the translated text. The system supports more than 100 languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, Arabic and even Chinese. Having loaded the work into the systems, you can choose the combination you need, after which the system will show which fragments were found as similar in the translated text.
The search of translated similarity module was created with a support of machine learning algorithm.
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