The individual account was created based on a large number of requests from small publishers, teachers and PhD students who want to check their publications, but who do not have access to the anti-plagiarism system, or the organizations in which they work or study do not subscribe to the anti-plagiarism system. Also, an individual account is popular among schools and colleges, which find it convenient to pay for a service via a payment card (PayPal), instead of a wire transfer.

A Similarity Report is available within few minutes but not more than 24h after submitting the document. The verification time depends on the additional services acquired. Your document can be verified fast and first if you buy a Priority Checking option. During sessions the verification period can take a bit longer.

In order to delete your account registered on the Plagiat.pl website, please use the "Delete" option available on the user's account in the "Edit user data" tab.

Such an instruction may also be submitted in writing. To do this, send a message confirming the intention to delete the account along with the documents on it to the e-mail address: contact (at) strikeplagiarism.com. The message should be sent from the form available in the "Help" tab on the user's account. If you send a message via another channel, the Customer Service Department may ask you to send a message from your account for verification purposes. 

After registration activation lint is sent automatically to the email address provided during registration. The mail may have been considered as spam by your email service provider, check your spam box as well. Another possible reason for this problem is an error in the submission form when creating a new account. Proceed according to the instructions for a forgotten password (detailed in the answer to the next question). If this doesn’t work we recommend creating a new account to make sure the email address was entered correctly.

A document checked on an individual account is only available to the user who created this account. It cannot saved at any institutional database. 

You are given the opportunity to buy various additional services, including checking in the RefBooks database, AI content detection, as well as checking for translated plagiarism, etc. You can choose different services depending on your needs. As a rule, universities use all services.

Yes, you can download and forward the similarity report in PDF format.

The accuracy of AI content detection is more than 90%.

Token is a currency of the system. To check the documents on the individual accounts you need to buy tokens. The final number of required tokens you need are calculated by system after you upload your work for verification. You need to remember that 1 token let you check 18 000 characters which is around 10 pages. So, for example, if you upload a document with 54 000 characters or about 30 pages it will require 3 tokens to check your document. System will offer you additional paid options, choosing which will increase the price of verification. System will show you how much price changes for an each option. Tokens are valid 6 months from the moment of purchase.

To ensure the smooth running of the Plagiat.pl System please comply with the following :
Use Firefox (85.x or newer) or Google Chrome (88.x or newer)
The browser must have the cookies mechanism enabled
The browser must have JavaScript enabled
The browser must have CSS enabled
If these conditions are fulfilled the System should run smoothly. If you encounter any further problems, please contact us. It is only possible to log into the System after entering the correct login and password. By using the copy/paste option you can ensure the data is entered correctly.

Meantime, you can use login via Facebook account.

An individual StrikePlagiarism.com account differs from a corporate account in the following parameters:

1. An account can be created by both an organization and an individual user for their own needs, when a corporate account is created by us and only for the organization,

2. An individual account does not allow checking in university databases, but only in open Internet sources, as well as in our scientific database RefBooks,

3. An individual account allows you to check your work anonymously, creating your own personal database. Documents from this database are not transferred into any other databases of our partner clients,

4. An individual account allows you to pay for the verification service using a payment bank card, when a corporate account does not allow this. To pay for a verification service on a corporate account, you must pay via bank wire transfer,

5. The individual account does not have an academic architecture and is designed to verify a small number of documents.

6. An individual account does not have the ability to create users and cannot be connected to the LMS or API (LTI).

You can buy an unlimited number of tokens.

The thing is that when you select the translated plagiarism search module, your work is translated into the language you selected and the search for similarities is carried out in this language. To check the work in the original language, you need to re-upload the work for checking, but do not select the translated plagiarism search module.

When checking on a corporate account, users can also check in the partner organizations' database, which is not possible in case of an individual account. Therefore, we recommend that organizations use corporate accounts. Also, when checking papers several times, the similarity coefficient may differ from the original value due to the dynamic nature of the Internet and data available in open Internet sources.

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